
2010 macbook pro hard drive cable
2010 macbook pro hard drive cable

No doubt, the other components on the screen are all copy. By comparing the brightness and sharpness of the LCD, we found JK is the best quality among them and the second best is AUO. Typically, the LCD screen is from several different factories, the most popular 4 on China market are JK,AUO, LongTeng, and ShenChao.

2010 macbook pro hard drive cable

It has sustainable supplying chain in China, and all the components of the screen are copy quality. It is with widely accept major complaint replacements for original parts, which keeps a right balance between price and quality. The following is the full details of each condition.

2010 macbook pro hard drive cable

In Union Repair store, we grade our iPhone screen into 5 different types of quality on the basis of different material assembled.

2010 macbook pro hard drive cable