
Bhagavad gita in polish language pdf free download
Bhagavad gita in polish language pdf free download

This may be attributed to the fact that the Indian interventions consisted of profound thoughts and “Mantras” that the students could relate to and easily incorporate into most life situations, while it was felt that the Positive psychology interventions required more time and expertise for effective implementation. Results indicated that the increase in scores for all three variables for the Indian intervention was statistically significant (ANOVA F-Ratio = 61.11, 33.71, 36.83 at p < .05. Group 2 was given an intervention based on Indian scriptures, mainly the Bhagavad Gita and Group 3 was given an intervention based on western Positive psychology. Group 1 was the control group that received the regular course of study followed by schools in the area. A sample size of 630 of the age group 13 to 16 year old students was divided into three groups of 210 students each. A pre-post three-group quasi-experimental design was chosen and the students were tested for three positive constructs as variables, namely, Hope, Optimism, and Resilience. A need was felt for conducting the study due to the increasing discipline issues and diminishing moral values among the students in the area.

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This study looks at the Indian and Western positive approaches and compares their efficacy for students from semi urban schools in the National Capital Region, India.

Bhagavad gita in polish language pdf free download