
Xcom 2 on sale
Xcom 2 on sale

These issues don’t technically impact gameplay, as the XCOM series doesn’t require quick reaction times. The same goes for selecting and giving orders during a mission. Scrolling through your home base to recruit and upgrade potential units, for instance, often feels sluggish. This happens during busy scenes, as well as during calmer moments, when there shouldn’t be as much of a load on the system’s hardware. The game frequently hitches and slows during play, despite the target frame rate of 30 frames per second. The key drawbacks of the Switch version are performance and resolution, and neither is handled very well.

xcom 2 on sale

There are notable differences between this and the previous releases, though. All of the missions, character classes, weapons, and features make the jump to the Switch version, so you’re really not missing out on anything on that front. The core gameplay of XCOM 2 is exactly the same, no matter the platform.

Xcom 2 on sale